Face to Face

Miracles Amidst Controversies.

April 15, 2017

A diabetic patient ( Punyasiri) from Kalutara was referred to Dr. Mass R. Usuf, President of the National Association of Homoeopaths and Affiliates, Sri Lanka’s former Co-Ordinator for Natural Healthcare Worldwide (Switzerland), where the patient has been suffering from a ‘phagedenic ulcer’ (a rapidly spreading ulcer associated with the formation of extensive sloughing) on his right leg above the ankles. For many years he could not walk without help and suffered immensely from the stubborn lesion that insidiously kept spreading and tormented him with pain and pus. It simply defied treatment.

For a long time of seeking Western medical treatment and spending a considerable amount of money with no signs of cure, the  surgeon who had treated the patient had finally suggested a skin graft, and that too quite hesitantly. At that stage the patient could not walk at all as expansive necrosis had set in. (death of cells due to impaired blood circulation).

The necrotic boundary was extending rapidly and spreading towards the medial malleolus area (inner side of the ankle bone) which, if penetrated fully would in all probability have ended up in amputation of the leg, the surgeon had apprised him. This petrified the patient after having spent a considerable amount of money on the best of mainstream private healthcare for many years was confronted with a dilemma as what to do next.

Dr.Mass R  Usuf

The writer, who is personally known to Dr. Usuf and the patient, suggested to the patient that he should seek a second opinion from Dr. Usuf. Consequently, Dr. Usuf advised the patient that ‘a skin graft would end in failure’as both the macro and micro blood circulation were retarded ( there was no way it could feed the new skin) .The patient at that stage decided to give alternative medicine a try.


When the patient was brought to Dr. Usuf on 19 February 2016. He could not walk at all. The ulcer had withstood debridement (extrication of damaged tissue from the wound)  despite treatment for the last so many  years. The patient was advised that the ulcer was not healing due to retarded blood circulation owing to extensive varicosity (enlarged and twisted veins trapping blood). The presence of various kinds of bacteria too had made the disease resistant to treatment.

Dr. Usuf further observed that the lesion was not amenable to treatment due to lack of oxygenated blood reaching the lesion for healthy tissue granulation (growth of new connective tissue ) and anti-bacterial effect to take place. Debridement was not the answer.

Dr. Usuf treated this patient who suffered from diabetes for the past so many years with aggressive acupuncture techniques to promote capillary circulation. The patient  was asked to apply urine (not his own as he was a diabetic)over the lesion twice a day. This was to neutralise the bacteria and to keep the lesion in an aseptic state and to promote granulation.

Urine therapy

Along with urine therapy a homoeopathic preparation was given to the patient to promote blood circulation at the micro and macro levels and to address the varicosity, which was retarding blood circulation. The treatment also  involved puncturing of three major Acu-points (1) to promote blood circulation, (2)  to restore myofascial integrity (muscle/connective tissue) and (3)  to check oedema.

On the third month onwards, topical application of homoeopathic ointment was added to the routine antibacterial process (urine therapy) to aid healing and to increase oxygen within tissues and to act as an anti-exudate. The lesion started healing dramatically, so much so, that after four months of treatment healthy tissues started forming up to 80 per cent of the lesion and almost 98 per cent of the lesion was healed  gradually.

Dr. Usuf’s diagnosis of  such cases is based on the verities of alternative medicine while modern day investigative medicine is used as an adjuvant. Treatment is based on a variety of therapeutic modes. As an aside, Dr. Usuf cures dengue/Chikungunya and all types of viral diseases with miraculous homoeopathic drugs, which restores normalcy within 36 hours of administration.

Dogmatic theories

Despite dogmatic theories and beliefs of epidemiology experts in Sri Lanka and the government’s failure to control or eradicate dengue so far, Dr. Usuf says he has the anti-dengue homoeopathic drug, which acts as a prophylactic (preventive)so that one need not suffer from dengue or even die from it.

Similar to what he has proven with amazing results of curing more than three diabetic patients (to the writer’s personal knowledge) who were suffering from phagedenic ulcers, where Western surgeons had finally given up leaving the patients high and dry with no alternatives but with possible amputations as the only cure, many who suffered from dengue fever, some patients while in ICU units of hospitals, with a rapid decrease in their blood count, Dr. Usuf’s homeopathic drug has helped such patients to boost up their blood count and helped them to leave hospital wards within 36 hours of administration of the homeopathic drug– another miraculous cure!

The  final result was the patient   Punyasiri from Kalutara is a happy man today after going through such a trauma for nearly three decades and being able to walk again as normal healthy human being.

Dr. Mass. R. Usuf could be contacted onalt_med@yahoo.com

pics by TSF

Pic. credit: Shutterstock

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